Erectile Dysfunction Commercial Lists Dry Mouth, Fatigue And Death As Side Effects

Local viewer Ken Kranston was shocked to discover the side effects his Erectile Dysfunction medicine ‘Bonerius’ causes.

“I was watching  Diane Sawyer on the nightly news like I always do and then the Bonerius commercial came on. You know, the one that’s basically a template for all baby boomer’s marriages: sitting in bathtubs on the beach. Anyway, I was shocked to learn that my ED medicine causes dry mouth!” – Kranston

Kranston went on to say: “If the moment is right, I can’t have my mouth going dry.  It needs all the lubrication it can get! (If you know what I mean). Also, I noticed they listed fatigue as another side effect. When it comes to romance, sometimes I like to be ready fast. Bonerius is the only ED tablet proven to take effect in less than 30 minutes. But, if the tablet makes me feel fatigued, what good is it? Why didn’t my doctor alert me of all these life-threatening side effects like dry mouth and fatigue?”

When asked what his thoughts were on death being a side effect Kranston said “I’m not worried about that. I already take nitrates for chest pain even though it causes an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Besides, as a baby boomer, death is the only thing that will free me from this loveless marriage and this god-forsaken bathtub on the beach.”

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