Time Traveling Democrat Urges Party Members To Support ‘Man-boy Marriage’

Showing up naked surrounded by an electrical storm, future Vice President Teagan McDonahue-Beaumont-McCallahan warned fellow Democrats to support Man-boy marriage before looking like hateful bigots 50 years from now.

“Many of you remember a time when Protestant-Catholic or Interracial marriages were considered taboo. In your current time along the space-time continuum gay marriage is finally being accepted. I urge all of you to support man-boy marriage before losing this large voting block to the Republicans” -Vice President Teagan


The time traveling Democrat also elaborated “Pedophiles are born that way. How can we be so intolerant of them when they didn’t choose who they love?

NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) lobbyists in Washington were foaming from the mouth after hearing the news.

“I guess at the moment I can’t think of any civil rights left to grant so I suppose 50 years from now this will be okay. I mean, we can’t just call it quits, somebody has to suffering from persecution out there.” – Senator Joe Frank

Vice President Teagan was last seen trying to open up the time portal in an attempt to stop Kanye West from being born.

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