Democrat Voters Celebrate Diversity By Selecting Two Straight, White, Male Candidates For President

Democrat voters narrowed their options for the 2020
Democratic presidential nomination from 20+ candidates to two finalists. Included in the rejected group were several women, a Latino, gay, Asian, and African-American humans as well as extra terrestrial beings (in the case of Marianne Williamson).

Throughout the primary and debate process, candidates espoused their support for diversity including the topics of police profiling, border restrictions, gay marriage, reparations and equality in pay for women.

However, Democrat voters decided to support their straight, Anglo-Saxon brother by selecting Joe Biden in several contests on Super Tuesday.

After maintaining a slight lead in delegate counts after Super Tuesday, Sanders supporters showed their overwhelming support by flying a Nazi flag at one of his large rallies.

Voters considered nominating a female nominee in 2020 who would go on to become the first female president in US history, but after their cybernetic unit failed to win the 2016 election due to failed Toshi power converter, they opted against it.

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